Carey Baldwin


A Cassidy & Spenser Thriller. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0062387065
EAN 9780062387066
Veröffentlicht Juni 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Witness Impulse
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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From the author of Confession:
A body just fell from the sky onto Hollywood Boulevard.
When a beautiful prostitute is dumped onto the Walk of Fame, FBI profiler Atticus Spenser and forensic psychiatrist Dr. Caitlin Cassidy are called in to solve one of their most baffling cases yet. The media's dubbed him the Fallen Angel Killer—a crazed murderer who's leaving the bodies of high-priced call girls in Los Angeles tourist traps.
The killer has raised the stakes, demanding that a mysterious celebrity publically admit to his sinful secrets—or he'll dispose of his latest kidnapped escort. With every "john" the team exposes in their search for Celebrity X, another Hollywood secret is revealed and another charmed life is left in ruins. With time running out, Spenser and Cassidy will do anything to find the twisted serial killer...before another innocent woman winds up the next grotesque tourist attraction.


CAREY BALDWIN is a mild-mannered doctor by day and an award-winning author of edgy suspense by night. She holds two doctoral degrees, one in medicine and one in psychology. A USA Today bestselling author, she loves reading and writing stories that keep you off balance and on the edge of your seat. Carey lives in the southwestern United States with her amazing family. In her spare time she enjoys hiking and chasing wildflowers. Carey loves to hear from readers so please visit her at, on Facebook, or Twitter

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