Cassandra Rose Clarke

Halo: Battle Born

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 304 Seiten
ISBN 1668037823
EAN 9781668037829
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Gallery Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Discover the original novel set in the Halo universe, based on the New York Times bestselling video game series!
Saskia, Dorian, Evie, and Victor aren't exactly friends at their small high school on the middle-of-nowhere colony world of Meridian. Each has their own problems, from absent parents to supporting their family, getting into a good college to making the next hit holo-film. But those problems were nothing next to the threat now facing their world: The alien alliance known as the Covenant is laying siege to Meridian, for reasons that aren't so easily explained.
With their village in flames, the four teens find themselves stuck above ground, locked out of the town shelter where the rest of the survivors are gathered. Together, Saskia, Dorian, Evie, and Victor are thrust into battle with nothing but a few scavenged weapons and an injured Spartan, one of the UNSC's super-soldiers. What's forged from the destruction will determine the fate of Meridian and tilt the battle for humanity's survival.


Cassandra Rose Clarke

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