Cath Staincliffe, Elizabeth Hand, G. M. Malliet, James Craig, Paul Doiron

Criminally Good

Five free tasters of the most exciting new crime fiction for 2013. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1472109740
EAN 9781472109743
Veröffentlicht Februar 2013
Verlag/Hersteller C & R Crime
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Blink of an Eye by Cath Staincliffe
In a heartbeat, life changes. Blink of an Eye is a novel about the nightmare that could be just around the next bend for any one of us.
The Poacher's Son by Paul Doiron
Set in the wilds of Maine, this is an explosive tale of an estranged son thrust into the hunt for a murderous fugitive - his own father. The first in a brand new series featuring Game Warden Mike Bowditch.
Generation Loss by Elizabeth Hand
Cass Neary is on her way down, and almost out when an old acquaintance sends her on a mercy gig to interview a famously reclusive photographer. When she arrives Cass stumbles across a decades-old mystery that is still claiming victims, and she finds one final shot at redemption. Patricia Highsmith meets Patti Smith in this mesmerizing literary thriller.
The Circus by James Craig
The fourth book in the bestselling Inspector Carlyle series. When the body of journalist Duncan Brown is found in the back of a rubbish truck, Inspector Carlyle is thrown into the middle of a scandal that threatens to expose the corrupt links between the police, the political establishment.
Wicked Autumn by G.M. Malliet
A delightful new cosy crime series starring Max Tudor. In Wicked Autumn, G M Malliet serves up an irresistible English village - deliciously skewered - a flawed but engaging protagonist and a brilliantly modern version of the traditional locked room mystery.


Cath Staincliffe, Paul Doiron, Elizabeth Hand, James Craig, G M Malliet

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