Catherine Astolfo

Auntie Beers

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1772421804
EAN 9781772421804
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Carrick Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Auntie Beers is an amalgam of tales told to the author by her mother, as well as a mystery that she couldn't resist sharing.
Witty, raw and often poignant, these are tales for the ages by one of Canada's leading story-tellers.
Reminiscent of Alice Munro--these stories are heart-wrenching, authentic, and luminous.
~ Ginger Bolton, author of the Deputy Donut Mysteries
Catherine Astolfo is an award-winning author of mystery short stories and novels. She is a Derrick Murdoch award winner for service to Crime Writers of Canada and a Past President.
Catherine's a member of Crime Writers of Canada, Sisters in Crime and The Mesdames of Mayhem.


Catherine Astolfo retired in 2002 after a very successful 34 years in education. She can recall writing fantasy stories for her classmates in Grade Three, so she started finishing her books the day after her retirement became official. Her short stories and poems have been published in a number of Canadian literary presses. Her story, "What Kelly Did", won the prestigious Arthur Ellis Award for Best Short Crime Story in 2012.
In the fall of 2011, she was thrilled to be awarded a four-book contract by Imajin Books for her Emily Taylor Mystery series (previously self-published), and has never been happier with this burgeoning second career!
Catherine's books are gritty, yet portray gorgeous surroundings; they deal with sensitive social issues, but always include love and hope. They're not thrillers, but rather literary mysteries with loads of character and setting. And justice always prevails.
Her latest novel, Sweet Karoline, is a psychological suspense.
Catherine is also the author of the novella series, Kira Callahan Mysteries, Up Chit Creek and Operation Babylift. She has also co-written several screenplays with her film-fanatic children.
Winner, Arthur Ellis Best Crime Short Story Award, 2012
Winner, Derrick Murdoch Award, 2012
Winner, Bony Pete Short Story Award, First Prize, 2010
Winner, Bony Pete Short Story Award, Second Prize, 2009
Winner, Brampton Arts Acclaim Award, 2005
Winner, Dufferin-Peel Catholic Elementary Principal of the Year, 2002, the Catholic Principals Council of Ontario.
Winner, Elementary Dufferin-Peel OECTA Award for Outstanding Service, 1998

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