Catherine Emily

What to Expect for First Time Moms and Pregnancy Secrets: The Complete Stress Free Guide While Expecting, Discover Leading Recommendations for The First Year, A Healthy Newborn and Childbirth

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386248657
EAN 9781386248651
Veröffentlicht März 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Aprilis Publishing LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Expecting First Time Moms
Your first pregnancy is an exciting time in life! It can also be a bit terrifying. You have many questions and you don't know what to expect. Questions like, how do you choose the right OB-GYN? What foods can you eat? What if I go into labor earlier? Every new parent goes through this.
Expecting First-Time Moms is a beacon, a light in the dark to help you find your way back home. Let's put an end to those sleepless nights.
This complete guide will help you:
Pick an OB-GYN that won't make you lose your mind or tear your hair out.
Morning sickness remedies that taste good and won't make you sicker.
Keep your body fit and healthy with baby-safe exercise and nutrition tips.
Reveal the worst most horrifying mistakes to avoid during pregnancy.
Discover the stages of labor, birthing techniques, and how to recover fast.
What to Expect Untold Pregnancy Secrets
Pregnancy can be scary. Labor can give you nightmares but it's not as scary when you're informed. When you know exactly what's to come, and when you're prepared for the unexpected, everything will fall into place. That's why this book is essential and a must have. Because it's a compilation of expert tips and ideas to help you survive the first nine months and beyond. Inside, you'll get your biggest deepest questions answered.
If you could just read a book. Pick up the best tips, tricks, and advice to ease away the worries. Get all the best information in a single resource. Information like, what not to buy so you can save money on the essentials. Maternity clothing secrets that will make you flourish and your friends gushing about how well you look. Healthy exercises recommended by leading medical experts and gurus. How to deal with stretch marks naturally and safely!
Inside this book, I'll guide you to:
Learn what I wish I knew when I was pregnant and help you skip my mistakes.
Get your pregnancy off to the best start possible while avoiding morning sickness.
The secrets to each trimester that you never would think of trying for a healthy pregnancy.
Learn powerful pregnancy exercises and how to lose weight fast after birth.
Avoid the biggest money traps and newborn pitfalls that could put you in debt for years.

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