Catherine McCullagh

Power and Obsession

Invasion, betrayal and a desperate search for justice. B&W. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 544 Seiten
ISBN 192314409X
EAN 9781923144095
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Big Sky Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
14,83 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

She eyed him nervously, this man who could end her life without a second thought. She had been complacent, lulled into forgetting the immense power he wielded over her ...
London, 1941, and in the battered capital of occupied Britain, Emilia Shaw works as a translator for ruthless SS General Oskar Voigt. But Emilia is also a resistance spy, desperate to avoid the scrutiny of Voigt's security chief, Irish policeman Brendan O'Connor, and his brutal offsider, SS Colonel Hans Morser.
Promised the crown, the Duke of Windsor returns to London, unleashing a wave of violence from the resistance. The Duke pressures the puppet government for his coronation, but finds himself at the mercy of Hitler, the supreme kingmaker.
As the violence escalates, Emilia is hunted by both the SS and the resistance, caught in the crossfire as the country threatens to implode. Ultimately, its fate lies in the hands of one man - the most unlikely of them all.
Power and Obsession is the vividly imagined tale of an occupied London, a dark labyrinth peopled by the sinister, the smug and the sadistic. Yet it is also a gripping tale of reckless audacity and the obsessive search for justice.


Catherine McCullagh trained as a teacher before embarking on a career in the Australian Army. On leaving the Army, she established herself as a freelance editor specialising in military history, before launching a new career, this time as a writer. Her first published works were non-fiction, beginning with Willingly into the Fray, a centenary history of Australian Army nursing, followed by War Child, a ghost-written wartime memoir, and Unconquered, which she co-wrote with Denny Neave and Gordon Traill.
Catherine's first historical novel, Dancing with Deception, was published in 2017 and was followed by Secrets and Showgirls in 2021. Her next novel, Love and Retribution, was released in 2022, with Resistance and Revenge published in May 2023. Like its predecessor, Power and Obsession is an alternative history novel, marking a shift from traditional historical fiction and into the world of supposition, in this case, occupied Britain.

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