Catherine Stine

Guardian of Monsters (Sleuths of Shadow Salon, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1733390170
EAN 9781733390170
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Konjur Road Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Supernaturally on the case!
Celestine LeBlanc and Luna Finley are the Sleuths of Shadow Salon.
Celestine, witch and wolf shifter has a talent for prophetic drawings. She's shocked when she draws her landlord Ray with his eyes gouged out and a strange winged-mermaid leaning over him. Later she finds an eyeless Ray dead on the sidewalk. All she wanted to do was open a gallery, but first she must apprehend his killer. In a posthumous note, Ray wrote he wasn't just a leather-smith but a supernatural pirate mage. Years back, his Jekyll crew trapped the evil Demon Three Eyes clan. Ray feared they'd escaped, were stalking him, and would soon wreak havoc on Savannah.
Oryn, a fellow student in Celestine's art class, is a fae and a thorn in her side, when he asks nosy questions about the case. Yet, she's drawn to him when he's her masseur at the spa she frequents, and he's clever at brainstorming leads regarding Ray's case. He insists his air magic could come in handy.
When pirates in Ray's old crew are murdered, their body parts stolen, Celestine puts more horrifying clues together. She'll need everyone on board, including Luna, a mermaid asking to show her sea-glass sculptures at Celestine's new gallery-and the very same mermaid in Celestine's tragic drawing of Ray. Otherwise, the lethal monstrosity Demon Three Eyes is unleashing on Savannah will destroy the city and everyone in it.
This urban fantasy detective series is around 65k words, and will likely appeal to fans of Kim Harrison and Charlaine Harris. Set in lush, spooky Savannah, Georgia, The Sleuths of Shadow Salon has "page-turning twists, devious villains and romance galore".


Catherine Stine is a USA Today bestselling author of historical fantasy, sci-fi thrillers, paranormal romance and YA fiction. Her novels have earned Indie Notable awards and New York Public Library Best Books for Teens. She lives in Manhattan and loves spending time with her beagle, writing about witches and other fabulous characters, gardening on her deck, and meeting readers at book fests. Find out more at

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