Cathy Johnson

Painting Nature in Watercolor with Cathy Johnson

37 Step-by-Step Demonstrations Using Watercolor Pencil and Paint. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1440328935
EAN 9781440328930
Veröffentlicht Mai 2014
Verlag/Hersteller North Light Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
8,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Breathe fresh air into your watercolors! Capture the wonders of nature!
From crashing waves to sculptured deserts, from grand sunsets to humble wildflowers, from backyard discoveries to exotic getaways, the natural world offers inspiration enough for a lifetime! In this book, one of today's premier nature artists shows you how to make the most of it. Within an inviting, sketchbook-style format, you'll learn how to capture nature's treasures using watercolor pencils and paint.
Inside you'll find:
• A chapter-by-chapter exploration of five diverse landscape themes: forests, water, meadows, mountains and deserts.
• 37 step-by-step demonstrations from two of Johnson's most beloved books, Creating Nature in Watercolor and Watercolor Pencil Magic.
• Johnson's favorite tips for capturing a variety of textures and subjects, including plants, trees, water, wildlife, rock formations, seasonal variations and more.
• A wealth of expert advice on gathering reference materials, assembling your own field kit, painting people in nature, and much more.
Embark on a creative adventure as you experiment with new techniques, discover fresh subjects, and hone your powers of observation. Your resulting paintings and sketches will transport you to cherished moments and places worth remembering.


Cathy Johnson has written more than thirty-five books, many on art. She has been a contributing editor, writer and illustrator for Watercolor Artist for over a decade and has written regular columns for that magazine and The Artist's Magazine. She started the popular group blog Sketching in Nature ( She also teaches online workshops a and runs the blogs The Quicksilver Workaholic ( and Cathy Johnson Fine Art Galleries ( Johnson lives and works in Excelsior Spring, Missouri, with her husband and cats.

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