Celia Jerome

Night Mares in the Hamptons (The Willow Tate Series, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1611879051
EAN 9781611879056
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Untreed Reads
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Graphic novelist Willow Tate is a Visualizer, able to draw images of beings from the realm of Faerie—possibly "drawing" them from their world to ours in the process.
First came a ten-foot-tall red troll who followed her from Manhattan to the small town of Paumanok Harbor in the Hamptons. Willow realized then that many of her relatives and their neighbors possessed a whole range of psychic talents—truth-knowing, scrying, weaving wishes, picking lucky numbers, etc. And all of them seemed privy to everything that happened in her life.
So when magic and mayhem return to Paumanok Harbor, of course Willy is called upon to rescue the little town.
Three magical mares are searching the Long Island village for a missing colt, and their distress is causing sleepless nights, bad tempers, and dangerous brawls among the gifted but peculiar residents.
The Department of Unexplained Events sends Willow some help, a world-famous, horse-whisperer. Texan Ty Farraday seems more interested in whispering in her ear, though, than in rescuing the kidnapped colt whose terror only Willy can feel.
Enlisting Paumanok Harbor's uniquely talented residents in the search, Willy still has to struggle with snakes, drug dealers, tourists, hidden caves, a mad scientist—and the almost overwhelming distraction of that sexy cowboy.
"Willow is a fabulous lead protagonist... The story line is fast-paced...the audience will stay up late reading this thriller... Celia Jerome has written a charming Long Island satirical urban fantasy." —SFRevue

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