Celya Bowers

Out of the Past

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9781502251626
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Celya Bowers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Dr. Izabella Carter has been paying for the sins of her youth for the last 12 years. Finally, everything was on track, she was a doctor at Turners Point General Hospital. She'd gotten a second chance at life when her then lover Jericho(Rico)Banner was sent to prison with the help of the assistant district attorney and her deposition. Why couldn't she move on with her life?
She wanted to hate someone for the choices she'd made at a reckless teenager, but the only person she could really blame is herself and then assistant district attorney Campbell Callahan. When he arrives at the ER with a head trauma, she has no choice but to treat him, but even unconscious she's still haunted by the very man who saved her life.
Campbell is looking for a strong woman. A woman that can hold up to the Callahan women. So far he'd struck out. Campbell is instantly attracted to the doctor and thinks he might have a contender. First, he has to win her over with his Callahan charm.
Although after five flower deliveries the District Attorney was no closer to the reclusive doctor. A chance meeting at the jazz club, changes everything. Izzy decides to give Campbell a chance and goes out on a date with him.
Soon Campbell and Izzy are on journey to love that neither are ready for, but are unwilling to give up the fight. Can two stubborn people escape the past to jump to the future?

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