Changeling Press Llc


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224030750
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Changeling Press LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Winter storms and seduction go hand in hand…
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Alaska seems like a winter haven for vampires Glynna and Brandt and their companion Erik -- until the snow starts.
Tuesday Morrigan -- Bear Hug
Snowstorm or not, Alyssa wants out of Devlin's cabin and life. He'd rather give her reasons to stay.
Lacey Savage -- Night Shift
Spending her Friday night running surveillance on a shadow stalker in the dead of winter isn't Samantha's idea of a good time. But doing it with a sexy partner… now that could be fun.
Kira Stone -- Lunar Seduction
Gideon on a trip to a remote stellar observatory in Alaska. Winter storms make stargazing impossible, but Roth, the observatory's resident vampire, is a master at seduction…
Camille Anthony -- Melting Snowflake
Winter's throne awaits her. Snowflake's three consorts must burn hot enough to melt her haughtiness. Watch Fire and Ice steam!
Silvia Violet -- Saved by a Vampire
A young woman becomes stranded in a blizzard, and her only hope is a stranger with fangs.


Siondalin O'Craig writes romance with the slow burn of a peat fire on an autumn night deep in the woodland hills. Sip a glass of Irish whiskey, turn the page, and let the magic overtake you. Siondalin lives in the mountains of New England where she walks under the trees celebrating the wheel of the year, grows a luscious garden full of magical herbs, and plays a wicked Irish fiddle.

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