Charlotte Brontë, Emily Brontë

Wuthering Hights & Jane Eyre

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 803 Seiten
EAN 8596547764250
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2023
Verlag/Hersteller DigiCat
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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In this captivating collection, the novelistic achievements of Charlotte Brontë's 'Jane Eyre' and Emily Brontë's 'Wuthering Heights' are celebrated, offering a profound exploration of love, social class, and the struggle for freedom. These masterpieces, penned by sisters, diverge in literary styles-Charlotte's detailed realism contrasts with Emily's passionate gothic romanticism-yet converge in their exploration of vehement emotions and individual against societal constraints. The anthology provides a unique glimpse into the Victorian-era psyche, emphasizing the diversity and significance of these narratives that continue to resonate with readers worldwide. The Brontë sisters, emerging from a secluded parsonage in Yorkshire, carved their niches in literary history with these works, transcending their reclusive lives' limitations through the power of their prose. Their novels reflect not only personal experiences but also the broader Victorian society's complexities and contradictions. The collection showcases how these texts echo historical and cultural movements, such as early feminism and romanticism, creating a rich tableau of 19th-century England's emotional and social landscape through their distinct, yet harmoniously intertwined, voices. This anthology is essential for readers seeking to immerse themselves in the depths of human passion and the quest for identity within the restrictive bounds of society. It promises a journey through turbulent emotions and stark realities, enriched by the contrasting yet complementary perspectives of two of literature's most formidable figures. Engaging with this collection opens up avenues for understanding the intricate weave of societal and personal battles fought in the Victorian era, making it a treasured addition to any literary collection.


Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855) was an English novelist and poet, renowned for her contribution to English literature as a prodigious writer during the Victorian era. She was the eldest of the three Brontë sisters, who became famous for their powerful and innovative novels. Brontë's literary style was marked by a profound understanding of human psychology, social criticism, and an unflinching exploration of the interiority of her characters, which was rare for female writers at the time. Her novel 'Jane Eyre,' published in 1847 under the pseudonym Currer Bell, is considered a classic of English literature. The book offers a strong narrative voice and a critical stance on gender roles, morality, and class system of Victorian England. Although 'Wuthering Heights' is actually her sister Emily Brontë's work, Charlotte's own novels, such as 'Shirley' (1849) and 'Villette' (1853), similarly provide depth and a revolutionary outlook on contemporary social norms, catapulting her influence beyond her time. Charlotte's writing remains celebrated for its originality, emotional force, and keen observational skill, enveloped within the stark moors of Yorkshire that inspired the Brontë siblings' unique tales. Her works have inspired numerous adaptations and continue to attract scholarly attention, securing Brontë's position as a towering figure in literary heritage.

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