Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 5 - Chris Anderson

Chris Anderson

Pro Business Applications with Silverlight 5

2nd ed. XXXVIII, 708 p. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 15.
pdf eBook , 708 Seiten
ISBN 1430235012
EAN 9781430235019
Veröffentlicht Juni 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Apress

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Silverlight 5 has the potential to revolutionize the way we build business applications. With its flexibility, web deployment, cross-platform capabilities, rich .NET language support on the client, rich user interface control set, small runtime, and more, it comes close to the perfect platform on which to build business applications. It's a very powerful technology, and despite its youth, it's moving forward at a rapid pace and is gaining widespread popularity.
This book guides you through the process of designing and developing enterprise-strength business applications in Silverlight 5 and C#. You'll learn how to take advantage of the power of Silverlight to develop rich and robust business applications-from getting started to deployment, and everything in between.
In particular, this book will serve developers who want to learn how to design business applications. It will introduce the patterns you'll use, the issues you'll face, and how to resolve them. Author Chris Anderson, who has been building line-of-business applications for years, demonstrates his expertise through a candid presentation of how to tackle real-life issues, rather than just avoiding them. Developers will benefit from his hard-won expertise through business application design patterns that he shares throughout the book.
With this book in hand, you will:Create a fully-functional business application in Silverlight Discover how to satisfy the general requirements that most business applications need Develop a business application framework


Chris Anderson has been a professional developer for more than 10 years, specializing in building desktop, web, and mobile business applications using Microsoft technologies for industries as wide-ranging as accounting, property valuation, mining, the fresh produce industry, pet cremations, logistics, field services, sales, and construction. Now running his own business, he has turned to Silverlight as the ideal new technology for developing and deploying business applications. Chris currently resides in Sydney, Australia.

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