Chrissy Peebles, C. M. Owens

Immortal Dreams

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1498955932
EAN 9781498955935
Veröffentlicht April 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Dark Shadows Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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3 stories. 3 Immortal Dreams. 3 Immortal Destinies. We hope you enjoy the books you are about to read and meet some new characters to love!
BOOK 1 - Deadly Beauties
Alyssa Coldwell decides to put her destiny as an immortal witch to the side, so she can take the chance to live like a normal girl amongst regular humans before she too is part of the fey world. She wants a break from magic and all the dangerous drama that comes with it, but life doesn't always let you do as you please.
Magic is supposed to be simple - you're either light or dark. But Alyssa is brutally awakened when she learns that life isn't always so simple. There are gray areas, and there is more to being light than simply saying you are.
But magic isn't her only problem, humans have problems as well. When she meets Kane Ice, she finds herself in a situation she's never been before. She's been sheltered by her overly protective mother, so being with a guy hasn't ever been an easy task. Kane makes it impossible not to try... while she can. Though she knows she'll have to leave him once her body turns immortal, she can't help but fall for him.
What's the problem with a witch loving a human? So, so many things. Her world is too dangerous, and her attempt to take a break from it fails miserably when her mother is taken captive. With danger always around her, she knows Kane will never be safe. But it's too hard to let him go.
Kane's not so fragile though, and he refuses to lose the only girl he's ever really cared for. Secrets are a part of Alyssa's life, but she's not the only one with a locked vault full of unspoken truths. When the secrets come out, Alyssa loses all her faith, her will, and her hope.
BOOK 2 - Eternal Vows
Genre: Paranormal romance and fantasy adventure
Never marry a stranger...even if he is a drop-dead gorgeous immortal king.
Never pretend to be a princess.
And most importantly...never slip on an ancient wedding ring you know nothing about.
Sarah Larker returns to a cave where her sister disappeared ten years earlier. She walks through a portal and is mistaken for a runaway princess on the run by a dangerous immortal king in medieval times. Her plan is bold as well as daring-become this princess, wed the king, and slip on an ancient wedding ring that will unlock the portal back home. Then find her sister and run as fast as she can out of Dodge. But taking on the identity of Princess Gloria comes along with dangerous consequences; and slipping on the ruby ring comes with an even higher price.
BOOK 3 - Daughter of Aphrodite
Oh my Goddess! Just when Adisia Titan gives up on men, she finds Devin Cole. He's sexy, rich, and... persistent. Against her better judgment, she falls for him harder than she ever thought she could. But, Devin's secretive eyes and cryptic conversations leave her worried a stinging heartbreak is inevitable. Devin's secrets come to light, leaving her completely shocked and horrified. But not as horrified as she is when she learns her own secrets. Adisia never believed in the world of supernatural until it came crashing down at her feet. Now she's stuck in between the two realms, both promising to leave her destroyed.
Devin refuses to lose her, and to keep her safe, he'll sacrifice everything. With death's breath on their back, they're forced to face a force they're not ready to contend with. Too many fates lie in their hands, and too many are ready to tear them down. Their love may just be the key to saving the world from the fate the dark hands are trying to deal.

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