Cindy Nichols

Mischievous Maid (River's End Ranch, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224434121
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Prickly Pear Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Mirabelle Walters Banks has left her past behind and will do anything to stay at River's End Ranch's and never set eyes on Southern California again, and happily takes a job in the housekeeping department. The ranch's rugged, majestic landscapes just beg to be put down on canvas and she does whatever it takes to stay-all she wants to do is paint. Tony Morales has had a lifetime to paint the scenery at the ranch, and as the head of security, he has plenty of time to work, paint-and not much more. Mira is asked to paint a portrait of a favorite at the ranch-a gnome named Gorgeous George-and their paths collide, their passion for art and beauty tying them together. But when her past catches up to her, how can Tony make sure they'll have all the time they need-together?
Discover River's End Ranch, a gorgeous "destination" ranch and resort in Riston, Idaho, that is run by the six Weston siblings and their well-meaning, semi-retired parents. Five bestselling western romance authors have created a world like no other--full of fun outdoor activities, a huge family in need of love, and side characters you will never forget. Join us in a world where our characters learn, laugh and love. Visit River's End Ranch on Amazon or Facebook to get the complete list of books. New books are released every other week!

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