Cj Casciotta

Get Weird

Discover the Surprising Secret to Making a Difference. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1546031901
EAN 9781546031901
Veröffentlicht September 2018
Verlag/Hersteller FaithWords
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Most of us grow up believing it's more important to fit in than to stand out. But there's something different about you...and it matters.
What if your weirdness was the key to changing everything? What if the outrageous, imaginative, crazy ideas that live inside your wildest dreams are actually there on purpose, divinely preinstalled to help others?
Knowing what makes you weird is the best thing you can offer your art, your business, your friends, your family, and yourself. It's the essence of creativity, the stuff of movements, and the hope for humanity. It's time to quit painting by numbers, conforming to patterns, and checking off boxes. It's time to Get Weird.


CJ Casciotta is a writer and serial media maker passionate about helping people discover and own their unique identity or in other words, what makes them weird. As a writer and communicator, he's traveled all over the world inspiring communities like Lululemon, The Salvation Army, TEDx, and Charity:Water. As a media director and producer he's collaborated on projects with MGM Studios, The United Nations Foundation, and more. He created the popular podcast, Sounds Like a Movement, which has hosted culture-shaping voices like Seth Godin, Shauna Neiquist, and Krista Tippett. In addition, CJ's work has been featured by MTV, RELEVANT, Catalyst, and Q. A native New Yorker, he now lives in Nashville with his wife, Kelly, and his two kids, Selah and Mack.

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