Cj McLeod

Trials, Triumphs and Travelling (Motorcycle Chronicals, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223234333
Veröffentlicht 30. Juni 2024
Verlag/Hersteller CC Readers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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My continuing experiences of being a young girl in a male dominated environment, facing homelessness and finding solutions in funny circumstances.
The friends gathered along the way, many becoming lifelong mates which is quite usual in the biking fraternity, and the adventures we embarked on in all innocence.


Born and raised in Brighton, lived in Denmark and Tenerife before returning to live in Norfolk in 1972, my childhood was unusual to say the least.
There was a 42 year gap between my parents who met during their stage careers, father being the show owner, mother one of the dancers - their relationship was temptestuous. My father was the better carer of the two - even though he was 67 when he fathered me - but I remember him doing his best to look after myself and my two sisters. He taught me to be confident and to stand up for myself.
I was six when my parents split up, by the time I was 16 had moved house 18 times, moved country 4 times and attended 14 different schools in three countries. I initially left school at the age of 14 to work for a wood carver on the local market, but when arriving back in the UK I had to go back to school and be a child again.
With the genetic makeup of an East End Londoner mixed with a Texan cowboy of Scottish/Mexican ancestry, meant,
I could never be 'normal'.

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