Claire Rye


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1370083238
EAN 9781370083237
Veröffentlicht September 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Claire Rye
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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My watering eyes begin to focus on the imposing concrete wedge in front of me; it bursts out of the snow, like an office building that had crash-landed into the side of a mountain. Three stories of concrete covered with a chandelier style glass roof. A dramatic design in an undramatic location. I start to wonder at the logistics of a building in such a remote and cold area.
My thoughts are interrupted by a dramatic speech being delivered by an overly enthusiastic man standing beside me.
"Before you is the future of our species, the last chance for the existence of life, the only hope for the continued evolution of this planet and all that it contains. A doomsday salvation, an apocalyptic refuge... You are about to enter the future birthplace of humanity... Are you ready"?
Trying to make the best impression I can on my first day at work, I turn towards him, give a stern and considered look and firmly reply "yes" while internally rolling my eyes and trying to hide my agitation at the delay in getting us out of the freezing wind.
Finally after a dramatic pause, the doors swing open and I am disappointed to see a very long, cold and very boring corrugated iron tunnel heading deep into the mountainside ....
Birthplace of the future of humanity? Really?
And with this anti-climactic start, my role in the story that will disprove theories, question common ideals and alter mankind's thinking forever .... Has begun.


Claire Rye's self-assessment as an "old-school head banging, vegetarian, nature loving, history fan and sci-fi geek" captures the eclectic nature of her interests and influences.
Understandably, her self-published novels are diverse in genres. Ranging from fantasy, science fiction, mystery to erotica.
Claire's non-conformist writing style means each book is unpredictable. However, regardless of the category of story, the quirky yet relatable characters and surprising revelations make for a rewarding journey.
Claire Rye started to explore the world of writing in 2015 when her flair for the written word was discovered accidentally. She kept an informal blog while travelling through the United States and Europe. Claire found that her love of the unconventional helped her to look beyond the superficial. She discovered the ability to see 'the story behind the story' of the people and places she encountered.
An overwhelmingly positive and excited response to her travel blog triggered a curiosity that lead to an expansion of her story telling.
Claire Rye was born in Sydney Australia and currently lives on the Gold Coast. She continues to travel and develop her writing skills. You can find out more about Claire Rye and her works at

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