Clare Helen Welsh

How Messy!

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 3 bis 5 Jahre. Fully illustrated picture book. Epub, Fixed. Sprache: Englisch 25, 0 cm / 25, 0 cm ( B/H ).
epub eBook , 32 Seiten
ISBN 0711269696
EAN 9780711269699
Veröffentlicht Mai 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Happy Yak
18,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Dot and Duck are best friends, but Dot hates mess and Duck hates tidy. Duck leaves the bed unmade, the cupboards open and breakfast everywhere. How messy!
In the morning, Duck makes Dot pancakes for breakfast, how kind! But Duck leaves a BIG mess!
At the beach, Dot carefully lays out her towel and picnic... and Duck digs a big hole covering everything with sand! SO messy!
Characterful watercolour illustrations bring this story to life, and big font makes the story easy for young readers.
How Messy! is a simple yet hilarious story with a touching ending and an important message about accepting differences and learning to compromise.
The Dot and Duck series is a collection of laugh-out-loud funny stories detailing the adventures of these two best friends. More titles include How Rude! and How Selfish!


Clare Helen Welsh is a children's book author who lives in Devon, in the UK, with her husband and two children. In 2013 Clare won the The Margaret Carey Scholarship for Picture book Writers and in 2014 she received the silver medal at The Greenhouse Funny Prize for her debut picture book Aerodynamics of Biscuits. She teaches primary school and has over ten year's experience in Early Years and Key Stage One education.

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