Claus Vogt, Roland Leuschel, Martin D. Weiss

The Global Debt Trap

How to Escape the Danger and Build a Fortune. 1. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 240 Seiten
ISBN 1118010914
EAN 9781118010914
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2010
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

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German bestseller about the best ways to protect oneself
financially from the threats posed by government?s interference in
the economy
After the bursting of the real estate bubble, the U.S. pushed a
monetary and fiscal policy that is, at best, blatantly wrong and,
at worst, carries enormous financial risk. And because Washington
knows this, America?s greatest weapon?its propaganda machine?has
been called into service, diverting attention away from the fact
that it was and continues to be government interference in the
market economy that?s lead us to where we are now, namely at the
end of one financial calamity and the beginning of yet another. A
plea for the market economy, The Global Debt Trap: How to Escape
the Danger and Build a Fortune details the cause of our current
economic crisis and argues that political mismanagement endangers
finances, health and, in extreme cases, democracy itself.
? Advocates the freedom of the individual and the
capitalist economic system derived from it
? Foreword by Martin Weiss, bestselling author of
The Ultimate Depression Survival Guide, by Wiley
? Other titles by Leuschel and Vogt: The
Greenspan Dossier
Every crisis offers opportunities for those who have prepared.
The Global Debt Trap: How to Escape the Danger and Build a
Fortune shows how to prepare for the aftermath of years of
government interference in the market economy.


CLAUS VOGT is Managing Director of asset management firm
Aequitas Capital Partners. He edits Money and Markets in the U.S.
plus Sicheres Geld ("Safe Money") in Germany, and is co-author of
the German bestseller, Das Greenspan Dossier.
ROLAND LEUSCHEL is coauthor of Das Greenspan Dossier and
a regular columnist for Börse Online, Germany's leading stock
market publication. He accurately predicted the 1980s bull market
and is often called the "Crash Prophet" for his prescient warnings
of the stock market crash of 1987.

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