Con Lehane

Murder at the College Library

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 240 Seiten
ISBN 1448313309
EAN 9781448313303
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Severn House
25,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Crime-fiction librarian - and reluctant amateur sleuth - Ray Ambler gets mixed up in murder once again when he's called to appraise a mystery-novel collection at an exclusive New York college.
An invitation from a prestigious liberal arts college to buy their mystery-novel collection comes as a welcome surprise for Raymond Ambler, crime-fiction curator at New York City's prestigious 42nd Street Library. But his pleasure quickly turns sour when the collection's curator - Ambler's friend Sam Abernathy - tells him he plans to fight the acquisition tooth and nail.
The collection would make a fine addition to his holdings, but Ambler's not looking for drama. It's a shame, then, that drama's looking for him. Just a couple of weeks later, one of Abernathy's colleagues is shot dead from the library's roof, and all signs point to the crime-loving professor as the perpetrator of the violent act.
Why would Abernathy kill - and was it for his collection, for college politics, or for some dark secret yet to be revealed? Ambler's not sure his old friend's a killer, but he is sure he wants justice - for both the living and the dead.
Working with his son John, he launches into an investigation at the college library, and it's not long before he discovers missing manuscripts, explosive secrets and scandals amongst the faculty staff . . . and a cunning killer who'll stop at nothing to cover up their crimes.
The 42nd Street Library mystery series blends traditional mystery with a hint of noir, and is a great pick for fans of quintessential New York writers like Ed McBain and SJ Rozan, along with those who enjoy traditional amateur sleuths and fair-play puzzles.


Con Lehane

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