J Christian Connett

I AM: inspired, aware, motivated

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1540117839
EAN 9781540117830
Veröffentlicht Februar 2017
Verlag/Hersteller ForVera Media
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,54 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

A collection of stories, allegories and moments that have impacted Christian Connett's life. The shapes of abuse, the pangs of heartache, and the overall self-indulgence that we subject ourselves to do not define us, however, they do have an impact in our lives and the decisions we make.
To be inspired, you must first be aware. Self-awareness and cognitive awareness are often ignored for gut feelings and past experiences. Be aware of your moments, past and present. Do not dwell on failures or heartache, focus on the impact each moment brings.
CHOOSE to be inspired, aware, and motived. Choose to be true to you inside and out. you will only regret not trying.
Christian describes his story of experiences, good and bad, and how he has learned to overcome the many obstacles that have been presented in his life. These are emotional and introspective.
True stories of overcoming abuse, heartache, and self-indulgence
We each experience life differently. We have many challenges and happiness, but we often forget to learn from them. Happiness never leaves a scar and it can often be one of the most influential pieces of our lives we neglect. These are stories about those challenges, happiness, pain, sorrow, and the inspiration, awareness, and motivation it takes to make the most out of them.


Christian Connett is a Digital Marketing Architect with a background in Information Architecture, Marketing, Social Media, Content Management, SEO, and more. Christian's years of hands-on experience and knowledge are now being shared through his books and Social accounts to aid in the online success of small and medium-sized businesses and organizations that are looking to build their online reputation successfully.
Christian's depth of knowledge on the various subjects includes the importance of developing a digital marketing plan, conducting audits and scheduling, proper channel optimization, content creation, analytics and of course, search engine optimization. Christian has many years of experience in determining what works and what does not function so well when it relates to proper social media management and engineering.
- Andrew T. Schwarz, MBA

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