Cornelius C. Kubler

Continuing Mandarin Chinese Workbook

Learn to Speak, Read and Write Chinese the Easy Way!. Free online audio recordings, printable flash cards and additional exercises. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 192 Seiten
ISBN 1462921809
EAN 9781462921805
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Tuttle Publishing

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This workbook is designed to accompany the Continuing Mandarin Chinese Textbook and offers a wealth of carefully-designed practice activities to help you solidify every aspect of your Chinese skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It includes copious drills, exercises, and other practice materials. Online audio and video files are available for use in the relevant exercises.
The lessons in this workbook correspond to the 24 lessons in the Continuing Mandarin Chinese Textbook. The materials in this workbook are meant to be completed by students outside of class, to strengthen and consolidate their understanding of the materials in the textbook.
Each lesson of the workbook contains two parts. Each part has two sets of listening comprehension exercises, one translation exercise, one character practice sheet, and one reading and writing exercise. Lessons 13 and 24 of the textbook are review lessons and therefore have no corresponding workbook materials.


Cornelius C. Kubler is Stanfield Professor of Asian Studies at Williams College where he chaired the Department of Asian Studies for many years. He is concurrently Distinguished Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences at Shaanxi Normal University in Xi'an, China. He previously directed the Department of Asian and African Languages at the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. State Department where he trained diplomats in Chinese and other languages. He served as Principal of the American Institute in Taiwan's Chinese Language & Area Studies School for six years and has directed Chinese language teacher training programs in the U.S., mainland China and Taiwan. He has been active in test development and has authored or coauthored 31 books and over 60 articles on Chinese language pedagogy and linguistics. He lives and teaches in Williamstown, Massachusetts.

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