Cynthia DeLauer

Intermittent Fasting for Women Over 50: The Ultimate Guide to Lose Weight, Reset Your Metabolism, Boost Your Energy, and Eat Healthy - Tasty Recipes and 14 Day Meal Plan Included

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201881528
Veröffentlicht Februar 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Publishing Forte
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Are you over 50 and looking for ways to lose weight, gain energy and improve your health? Do you want to speed up your metabolism and give your body a chance to detox? Do you want to focus on eating healthy without feeling deprived?
If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, then keep reading!
Getting older is a major setback in our quest to continue having a healthy lifestyle. As we age, the least we want is to become more sedentary, gain weight and struggle with health problems. It doesn't have to be this way. You can still lead a healthy lifestyle.
This book is easy to read and jam-packed with information that will help you improve your health and lose weight as effectively as possible. I've seen how intermittent fasting has had a significant impact on my family, and this is why I want to share what I've learned with every woman over 50.
Imagine thе kind оf pleasure thаt you will have when you start eating foods that are good for your body, your fat starts dissipating and you start experiencing a surge of energy or a sense of lightness all over your body.
It mау ѕееm daunting аt fіrѕt, but intermittent fasting іѕ a very easy and straighforward. In this book, уоu'll learn thе fоllоwіng:The advantages and risks of intermittent fasting, both psychologically and physically;The history and science behind intermittent fasting;Types of Intermittent fasting;Which fasting technique is best for you;Intermittent fasting diet foods and beverages to include and avoid in your diet;Understanding how and why the practice of intermittent fasting affects your body and your relationship with others;Intermittent fasting for weight loss;Intermittent fasting's most common pitfalls and tips for avoiding them;The best exercises for women over 50 who want to maintain their health;Mouthwatering recipes to try while on an IF diet;A 14-day meal plan to get you started;
As you know, there are different bodies and different needs for each woman, but I've tried my best to target all of them.
I know many people out there believe that eating healthy and losing weight are mutually exclusive. Or that workout routines are less effective when you're over 50. This book will change all of that. You'll see how you can become fit, lose weight, and improve your health in no time.
What are you waiting for? Scroll up and hit BUY NOW to start today!

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