Dan Shoemaker, Anne Kohnke, Ken Sigler

How to Build a Cyber-Resilient Organization

ebook Ausgabe. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 318 Seiten
ISBN 0429682344
EAN 9780429682346
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis
78,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This book presents a standard methodology approach to cyber-resilience. Readers will learn how to design a cyber-resilient architecture for a given organization as well as how to maintain a state of cyber-resilience in its day-to-day operation. Readers will know how to establish a state of systematic cyber-resilience within this structure and how to evolve the protection to correctly address the threat environment. This revolves around the steps to perform strategic cyber-resilience planning, implementation and evolution. Readers will know how to perform the necessary activities to identify, prioritize and deploy targeted controls and maintain a persistent and reliable reporting system.


Daniel P Shoemaker, PhD, is principal investigator and senior research scientist at the University of Detroit Mercy's Center for Cyber Security and Intelligence Studies. Dan has served 30 years as a professor at UDM with 25 of those years as department chair. He served as a co-chair for both the Workforce Training and Education and the Software and Supply Chain Assurance Initiatives for the Department of Homeland Security, and was a subject matter expert for the NICE Workforce Framework 2.0. Dan has coauthored six books in the field of cybersecurity and has authored over one hundred journal publications. Dan earned his PhD from the University of Michigan.
Anne Kohnke, PhD, is an assistant professor of IT at Lawrence Technological University and teaches courses in both the information technology and organization development/change management disciplines at the bachelor through doctorate levels. Anne's research focus is in the areas of cybersecurity, risk management, threat modeling, and IT governance. After a 25-year career in IT, Anne transitioned from a Vice President of IT and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) position into full-time academia in 2011. She earned her PhD from Benedictine University.
Ken Sigler is a faculty member of the Computer Information Systems (CIS) program at the Auburn Hills campus of Oakland Community College in Michigan. His primary research is in the areas of software management, software assurance, and cloud computing. He developed the college's CIS program option entitled "Information Technologies for Homeland Security." Until 2007, Ken served as the liaison for the college to the International Cybersecurity Education Coalition (ICSEC), of which he is one of three founding members. Ken is a member of IEEE, the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), and the Association for Information Systems (AIS).

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