Mathematical Modelling of Waves in Multi-Scale Structured Media - Alexander B. Movchan, Natasha V. Movchan, Ian S. Jones, Daniel J. Colquitt

Alexander B. Movchan, Natasha V. Movchan, Ian S. Jones, Daniel J. Colquitt

Mathematical Modelling of Waves in Multi-Scale Structured Media

40 schwarz-weiße Abbildungen, 6 schwarz-weiße Tabellen. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 67.
pdf eBook , 262 Seiten
ISBN 1498782108
EAN 9781498782104
Veröffentlicht November 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Chapman and Hall/CRC

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Mathematical Modelling of Waves in Multi-Scale Structured Media presents novel analytical and numerical models of waves in structured elastic media, with emphasis on the asymptotic analysis of phenomena such as dynamic anisotropy, localisation, filtering and polarisation as well as on the modelling of photonic, phononic, and platonic crystals.


Alexander Movchan is a Professor at the University of Liverpool, Natasha Movchan is a Professor at the University of Liverpool, Ian Jones is a Professor at Liverpool John Moores University and an Honorary Fellow at the University of Liverpool, and Daniel Colquitt is a Lecturer at the University of Liverpool. The authors have worked on wave propagation in multi-scale elastic media over many years and have developed novel modelling approaches, which have opened efficient ways to design and study the dynamic response of multi-scale structures known as elastic metamaterials introduced within the last decade.


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