Daniel M. Jones

Become the Force

9 Lessons on How to Live as a Jediist Master. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 284 Seiten
ISBN 1786781166
EAN 9781786781161
Veröffentlicht November 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Watkins Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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For anyone who has watched and fallen in love with the Star Wars films and wanted to become a Jedi (just as Daniel M Jones did as a young boy). This is the first and only Jedi Bible.
Daniel M Jones founded the Church of Jediism in 2007 following the Jedi Census phenomenon of 2001; it now has over 500,000 members around the world. This is the book his fans have been waiting for. In it, Daniel outlines the Jedi perspective and provides practical tools for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of how to use the Force in everyday life. A metaphor for the universal life energy that connects us all, the Force can be both light and dark, good and bad. Now, more than ever, it is our responsibility to overcome the Dark Side. This book does not aim to convert, but to inspire its readers to live a life of meaning and purpose according to the universal spiritual teachings of "the way of the Jedi".
It will include:
Daniel's own fascinating spiritual journey and how overcoming personal struggles has awakened him to his purpose.
A complete toolkit that will allow anyone to genuinely embrace "the way of the Jedi" and use Jedi teachings to empower mind, body, heart and spirit.
A comprehensive explanation of Jediism as a spiritual movement (a universal desire for self-awareness, spiritual awakening, peace, love and harmony) rather than a religion.
Become the Force shows that the Jedi-minded among us might usher in a new spirituality and shift in global consciousness towards peace and harmony that is more powerful than any we can possibly imagine.


Daniel M Jones was born on 15 July 1986. He belongs to a band called the Straight Jacket Legends, whose debut album was recently released in Japan to great acclaim and notable success. He has been diagnosed with Asperger's and hosts his own popular Aspie World YouTube channel as well as speaking on behalf of the Autism Society in order to increase awareness of the condition.
Theresa Cheung was born into a family of psychics and spiritualists. Since leaving King's College, Cambridge University with a Masters in Theology and English, she has written numerous bestselling mind, body, spirit books, including two Sunday Times Top 10 bestsellers.

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