Embodied Books - Darian Goldin Stahl

Darian Goldin Stahl

Embodied Books

Experiencing the Health Humanities through Artists' Books. 1. Auflage. Web PDF. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 19.
pdf eBook , 216 Seiten
ISBN 1800798172
EAN 9781800798175
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Peter Lang Ltd, International Academic Publishers
87,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

«We often speak of the body of text, and Darian Goldin Stahl's excellent and timely book deals with sister-inspired texts of the body. Stahl makes the case, beautifully and powerfully, for the value of artists' books to open us up (like a laparotomy) to illness experience.»
(Paul Crawford, Professor of Health Humanities, University of Nottingham, UK)
This book investigates how handmade artists' books excite the senses to communicate lived experiences of illness and disability. The combination of text, image, materials, and form, along with the gesture of turning pages, make artists' books a powerful source of expressive potential. These works of art not only enable patients to create meaning from their medical experiences, but also invite healthcare learners to an uncensored read of critiques on Western medicine.
Artists' books are increasingly popular among medical institutions in an age of digital screens because of their intimate handheld, multi-sensory expressions of bodily phenomena that may be difficult or impossible to communicate through words alone. By applying a phenomenological practice of sensing and meaning-making, the author provides step-by-step instructions for creating new artists' books as part of health humanities pedagogies. In this way, Embodied Books serves as a philosophical and pragmatic example of why and how experiencing artists' books in healthcare contexts is so important.


Darian Goldin Stahl is an interdisciplinary printmaker, bookmaker, and health humanities scholar. After receiving an MFA in Printmaking from the University of Alberta, she was awarded a SSHRC Vanier Scholarship to pursue an interdisciplinary PhD in Humanities from Concordia University in Montreal. Situated at the intersection of fine art, communication studies, and art education, her research-creation investigates how making and reading artists' books communicate lived experiences of illness and disability. Dr. Stahl is now a SSHRC Banting Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Northern British Columbia's Medical Program, where she facilitates the creation of new artists' books with diverse patient groups. She is also a practicing artist whose work has been exhibited in numerous local and international solo exhibitions. Most notably, all of her artist's books were acquired by the Wellcome Collection Trust in London in 2019, where they continue to evoke health discourses with public audiences.


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