Dave Ramsey

More than Enough

The Ten Keys to Changing Your Financial Destiny. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 1101218681
EAN 9781101218686
Veröffentlicht Januar 1999
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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In his first bestseller, Financial Peace, Dave Ramsey taught us how to eliminate debt from our lives. Now in More Than Enough, he gives us the keys to building wealth while also creating a successful, united family. Drawing from his years of work with thousands of families and corporate employees, Ramsey presents the ten keys that guarantee family and financial peace, including: values, goals, patience, discipline, and giving back to one's community. Using these essential steps anyone can create prosperity, live debt-free, and achieve marital bliss around the issue of finances. Filled with stories of couples, single men and women, children, and single parents, More Than Enough will show you:
• How to create a budget that fits your income and creates wealth
• What finances and romance have to do with one another
• What role values play in your financial life
• How to retire wealthy in every way
• And much, much more
Resonating with Ramsey's down-home, folksy voice, heartwarming case histories, inspiring insights, quotations from the Bible, and exercises, quizzes, and worksheets, More Than Enough provides an inspiring wealth-building guide and a life-changing blueprint for a vital family dynamic.


Dave Ramsey, the nationally-syndicated radio host of "The Money Game" and bestselling author, has helped thousands through Financial Peace University-a 12-week financial planning program. He presents seminars in churches and corporations throughout the country. He holds a degree in finance and real estate and lives with his family in Nashville Tennessee.

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