David Hone

The Tyrannosaur Chronicles

The Biology of the Tyrant Dinosaurs. 1. Auflage. 8pp colour plate section and black and white illustrations throughout. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 288 Seiten
ISBN 147291127X
EAN 9781472911278
Veröffentlicht April 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury UK
11,99 inkl. MwSt.
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'Gripping and wonderfully informative' Tom Holland, New Statesman
Adored by children and adults alike, Tyrannosaurus is the most famous dinosaur in the world, one that pops up again and again in pop culture, often battling other beasts such as King Kong, Triceratops or velociraptors in Jurassic Park. But despite the hype, Tyrannosaurus and the other tyrannosaurs are fascinating animals in their own right, and are among the best-studied of all dinosaurs.
Tyrannosaurs started small, but over the course of 100 million years evolved into the giant carnivorous bone-crushers that continue to inspire awe in palaeontologists, screenplay writers, sci-fi novelists and the general public alike. Tyrannosaurus itself was truly impressive; it topped six tons, was more than 12m (40 feet) long, and had the largest head and most powerful bite of any land animal in history.
The Tyrannosaur Chronicles tracks the rise of these dinosaurs, and presents the latest research into their biology, showing off more than just their impressive statistics - tyrannosaurs had feathers and fought and even ate each other. This book presents the science behind this research; it tells the story of the group through their anatomy, ecology and behaviour, exploring how they came to be the dominant terrestrial predators of the Mesozoic and, in more recent times, one of the great icons of biology.


David Hone is rapidly becoming the 'face' of dinosaur research. Based at QMW in London, where he is Lecturer in Ecology, he has published more than 50 academic papers on dinosaur biology and behaviour, with a particular interest in the tyrannosaurs, while his fieldwork has included a spell working on the famous feathered dinosaur deposits of China. He writes a regular blog for the Guardian, Lost Worlds (http://www.theguardian.com/science/lost-worlds), a major source of dino-info for the general public.
David includes among his writing credits the BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs. He has appeared on the Discovery Channel, BBC Radio 5Live and RTE, acted as consultant for National Geographic documentaries, and written articles for New Scientist, The Times, The Independent, The Telegraph, The New York Times, and many others.

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