Dean Koontz

The Neighbor (Short Story)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 34 Seiten
ISBN 0804180679
EAN 9780804180672
Veröffentlicht Juni 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Bantam
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Every city has its wonders and mysteries. For the Pomerantz family, the most disturbing mystery at the moment is the identity and the intentions of their new neighbor, in this eBook original short story-a prequel to The City, the gripping and moving new novel by Dean Koontz.
The year is 1967. Malcolm Pomerantz is twelve, geeky and socially awkward, while his seriously bright sister, Amalia, is spirited and beautiful. Each is the other's best friend, united by a boundless interest in the world beyond their dysfunctional parents' unhappy home. But even the troubled Pomerantz household will seem to be a haven compared to the house next door, after an enigmatic and very secretive new neighbor takes up residence in the darkest hours of the night.
Acclaim for Dean Koontz
"A rarity among bestselling writers, Koontz continues to pursue new ways of telling stories, never content with repeating himself."-Chicago Sun-Times
"Tumbling, hallucinogenic prose. 'Serious' writers . . . might do well to examine his technique."-The New York Times Book Review
"[Koontz] has always had near-Dickensian powers of description, and an ability to yank us from one page to the next that few novelists can match."-Los Angeles Times
"Koontz is a superb plotter and wordsmith. He chronicles the hopes and fears of our time in broad strokes and fine detail, using popular fiction to explore the human condition."-USA Today
"Characters and the search for meaning, exquisitely crafted, are the soul of [Koontz's] work. . . . One of the master storytellers of this or any age."-The Tampa Tribune
"A literary juggler."-The Times (London)


Dean Koontz, the author of many #1 New York Times bestsellers, lives in Southern California with his wife, Gerda, their golden retriever, Elsa, and the enduring spirit of their goldens, Trixie and Anna.

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