Carla's Sandwich - Debbie Herman

Debbie Herman

Carla's Sandwich

Sprache: Englisch.
pdf eBook
ISBN 1936261804
EAN 9781936261802
Veröffentlicht Juni 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Flashlight Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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This charming story presents a new way for young children to understand how to creatively embrace who they are, no matter what others think. Carla's lunch box is filled with odd delights like the Olive, Pickle and Green Bean Sandwich, the Banana-Cottage-Cheese Delight, and the unforgettable Chopped Liver, Potato Chips, and Cucumber Combo. To Carla, they are delicious and creative lunches, but her teasing classmates are unconvinced and abandon her at the lunch table to eat her bizarre sandwiches alone. One day, however, tables turn when Buster-the worst tease of all-forgets his lunch on the day of the picnic and Carla thoughtfully offers him her extra sandwich. Her own spirited nature helps Carla teach her classmates that &quote;unusual&quote; can actually be good. Lively illustrations help showcase the book's messages of acceptance, tolerance, individuality, and creativity, and the funny plot and authentic dialogue are sure to make this tale a favorite among elementary school children. Carla's creative sandwich solutions provide young chefs-to-be with the inspiration to create sandwich masterpieces of their own.


Debbie Herman is a feature writer for Babaganewz Magazine and has written for the New Millennium Children's Dictionary CD-ROM. She is a former elementary school teacher with an MA in special education. She lives in New York City. Sheila Bailey has illustrated more than 26 children's books, including Spaghetti and Peas, Special People, Special Ways, The Wizard and King Whifflegroan, and The Wonderful Story of Edgar Elf. Her work has appeared in Fine Cooking Magazine, Forbes, and the Oregonian. She lives in Redwood City, California.


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