Debbie Ries, Cheyenne Mccray

Recipe for Killing (Shawna Taylor Cozy Mysteries, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1956103104
EAN 9781956103106
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Cheyenne McCray LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

After solving the first murder to occur in her small town in over fifty years, all amateur sleuth and café owner, Shawna Taylor, wanted to do was help her recipe club prepare for Bisbee, Arizona's chocolate extravaganza. But, as fate would have it, after a round of taste-testing heavenly desserts, one club member drops dead.
The police believe Shawna's friend, Jessica, was the one who had offered the town's most hated woman a decadent chocolate topping laced with poison. Shawna refuses to believe the sweet dress shop owner would kill anyone and enlists the help of her most daring friends, an adventurous fashion diva and zany yoga instructor. Together, they must uncover the real murderer. Could it have been the act of a jealous wife? An elderly woman protecting her cats? A kindergarten teacher seeking retribution? A chef's payback for theft? Or a hippie artist's idea of revenge?
The trio faces danger at every turn in their search for the truth. The handsome local detective warns Shawna off, but she's not about to see her friend locked behind bars. If they aren't careful, the chocolate desserts planned for the extravaganza will be offered at her funeral.
Includes recipe!
P.S. Formerly called Sunset Peak in Cooking up Murder, the real name of the town is Bisbee, which I now use.


Debbie Ries is an award-winning, New York Times and USA Today best-selling author who grew up on a ranch in southeastern Arizona and has written over one hundred published novels and novellas. She delights in creating stories of suspense, love, and redemption with characters and worlds her readers can get lost in.

Debbie and her husband live with their two Ragdoll cats and two small dogs in southeastern Arizona where she enjoys going on long walks, traveling around the world, and searching for her next adventure and new ideas, as well as hand embroidering crazy quilts and listening to audiobooks.

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