The Latin American Literary Boom and U.S. Nationalism during the Cold War - Deborah Cohn

Deborah Cohn

The Latin American Literary Boom and U.S. Nationalism during the Cold War

Web PDF. Sprache: Englisch.
pdf eBook , 280 Seiten
ISBN 0826518060
EAN 9780826518064
Veröffentlicht Mai 2012
Verlag/Hersteller University of California Press
21,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

During the 1960s and 1970s, when writers such as Julio Cortazar, Carlos Fuentes, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Mario Vargas Llosa entered the international literary mainstream, Cold War cultural politics played an active role in disseminating their work in the United States. Deborah Cohn documents how U.S. universities, book and journal publishers, philanthropic organizations, cultural centers, and authors coordinated their efforts to bring Latin American literature to a U.S. reading public during this period, when interest in the region was heightened by the Cuban Revolution. She also traces the connections between the endeavors of private organizations and official foreign policy goals.
The high level of interest in Latin America paradoxically led the U.S. government to restrict these authors' physical presence in the United States through the McCarranWalter Act's immigration blacklist, even as cultural organizations cultivated the exchange of ideas with writers and sought to market translations of their work for the U.S. market.


Deborah Cohn, Associate Professor of Spanish and American Studies at Indiana University Bloomington is the author of History and Memory in the Two Souths: Recent Southern and Spanish American Fiction (Vanderbilt University Press).


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