Delaney Holley

God Can Use My Voice

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 42 Seiten
ISBN 1664246274
EAN 9781664246270
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2021
Verlag/Hersteller WestBow Press

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Follow Willow, Luke, and Rosie on their journey as they behold the wonder of how God used their voice.
Find out the heartwarming message Willow's Nana shared with her at Honeycomb River.


Delaney Holley, author of God Loves My Voice, is an ordinary girl living for an extraordinary God. Delaney enjoys sunrises with the birds singing their morning song, anything crafty, handwritten notes, and loves teaching the word of God to the hearts of children. Delaney's heart is for God and her desire is to walk with the One who made her fearfully and wonderfully. Sharing the whispers spoken to her heart from God with words on paper and with the voice God has given her. Longing for others to fully embrace God's perfect design for them and to walk into their purpose with boldness and courage. Sharing how she struggled with disfluency in her life and how God transformed her to treasure her voice while trusting in His plan for her knowing that God loves her voice.
Maria Jose Garcia, illustrator of the book, was born and raised in Guatemala. Her passion for art started when she would make crafts with her grandmother, and eventually, her mother took her to art classes. Around ten years old, she found herself sketching floor plans of her dream art gallery. This inclination for building design would later guide her to discover her love for architecture as a career. As she grew up, God always continued guiding her steps. Throughout the years, she has been asked for several artwork commissions. Maria Jose paints a variety of mediums and styles. Art is part of her everyday life, and ultimately, she wants to use her talents for the glory of God.

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