Derek Shupert

Sentry Squad

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1524246611
EAN 9781524246617
Veröffentlicht März 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Derek Shupert
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The word is changing. Evolving. In the wake of a deadly explosion a mysterious chemical is released and has mutated the genetic structure of Captain Van Peterson and his strike force, endowing them with superhuman abilities.
Some will use their powers for good, while others seek to exploit the limits of their new found abilities for their own personal gain.
With the government unable to handle the new found threat, Captain Peterson and his team must rise and stand together to keep the very fabric of humanity from unraveling. Sentry Squad.
Interview with the Author
Q - So, what makes Sentry Squad so special?
A - Sentry Squad is a mix of a lot of things really. When I set out to write the story, I wanted it to mirror a lot of the things I like to read and watch. I'm a big science fiction fan and love the whole superhero genre in general. So I wanted to mash the two together and create something exciting for the reader.
Q - What did you enjoy most about writing Sentry Squad?
A - For me it was developing each of the characters super human powers. That was a real treat. It's something that I've wanted to do most of my life and I finally had the chance to do it.
Q - Why should readers give Sentry Squad a try?
A - Because Sentry Squad is a superhero thrill ride that will keep you engaged. Readers who like fast paced action will enjoy the book.
Thanks for reading!
Sentry Squad eBook Categories:
- Men's Adventure Novel
- Superhero Thriller Story
- Genetic Fiction Novel
- Superhero Action Thriller
- Sci fi Superhero Story
- Superhero Saga
- Hero Saga


Derek Shupert is an avid super hero fan (Marvel over DC Universe) and lover of Science Fiction. Derek likes to spend his free time putting down on paper the stories that he has contained in his imagination. By day, he is an Inventory and Distribution Services Center Manager but by night, he writes.
Derek lives in Sherman, Texas with his wife, children and various pets.

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