Desmond Pittman

Attrition or Apartheid? (1, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386950661
EAN 9781386950660
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Desmond Pittman, MS
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The intended audience to move this agenda forward understands that racial inequality and injustices towards Blacks has been part of not only American history, rather the past, present, and future experiences of Blacks. The opposition has in the past, present, and future will continue either ignoring or creating propaganda to steer the narrative away from social issues such as police brutality, murder without punishment, hypocrisy, and bigotry. Therefore, the necessity of attacking economically is at our front door. Detroit Lions Owner Martha Ford proves this plan will work and affect change due to bottom-line being affected. Earlier this month, she made a compromise with her players that if they relinquished their power to protest, she would devote money and her family's name to any social cause they sought fit. Now, certain broadcasting stations have stated they will no longer show the national anthem prior to the game for the same reason Martha Ford appeased her players, bottom-line.
To move what Kap started forward in the right direction and outside of debate or public opinion, the "Neck Up Compromise of 2018" states:
There is approximately 60% of Black NFL and NBA players. There is an estimated 30 plus front office jobs in the NFL and NBA. Blacks hold less than 10% of those positions. By the start of the 2018-2019 NFL and NBA season, we demand the Rooney Rule be replaced by this compromise in which not only will interviewing continue, but the hiring of at least 50%-60% Blacks to front office positions and Head Coaches will be mandated. If these demands are not met, not only will players continue to exercise their right to protest, we will go a step further towards individual hold-outs and hopefully team lock-outs in which players don't take the field or court at all consequentially affecting team owners bottom-line. For current players who possess necessary college requirements, this agreement can be contractually guaranteed upon retirement. For those already retired and not only interested but qualified for such positions, the NFL and NBA shall pay for future professional development to close any possible or unforeseen knowledge and performance gaps. We no longer view our worth from neck down, rather neck up. We demand the same opportunities for economic longevity and generational wealth as those in power. Our talent is the true power; without us they are powerless. To know this is to understand your worth not physically, but mentally as well.

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