
Chess for Beginners

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 9 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0241678080
EAN 9780241678084
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller DK Children
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Take your first steps towards mastering the world's greatest game - and understand tactics, improve your game and outwit your opponents!
From the history of chess and the aim of the game to essential tactics and taking your skills even further in clubs, tournaments, and championships, Chess for Beginners covers it all.
Before explaining techniques, this chess guide gives you the lowdown on each piece to boost your understanding of its value, power and importance. Then different chessboard graphics illustrate different scenarios, so you can visualise different moves and their potential outcomes and learn the best move to make in any given situation to get to endgame and checkmate.
This ultimate chess book for children offers:
- Content written by International Master and chess tutor Michael Basman, founder of the UK Chess - - Challenge - the world's largest children's chess tournament.
- A guide suitable for beginners and children of all ages, including players in school chess clubs around the world.
- Chess board graphics that show how to apply the principles you learn in real-life game situations.
Do you know your bishops from your knights? Or when castling is the best move? How about the best way to counter the Queen's Gambit? The rules of chess may seem a little daunting for beginner players. In Chess for Beginners, international master and renowned chess tutor Michael Basman shows you everything you need to know to improve your tactics and win more games.


International Master and renowned chess tutor Michael Basman became hooked on chess at the age of ten. He took part in several olympiads but also dedicated his time to teaching children how to play, setting up the popular UK Schools Chess challenge in 1996. He was the author of several books on chess and developed online chess courses.

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