
The Ancient Worlds Atlas

A Pictorial Guide to Past Civilizations. Empfohlen 9 bis 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0241637015
EAN 9780241637012
Veröffentlicht April 2023
Verlag/Hersteller DK Children
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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From the first cities of Sumer to the empire of the Incas, travel around the world and through 5,000 years of history in this illustrated guide to see where and how ancient peoples lived.
From North America to New Zealand, this book takes you on a trip around the world and through history to visit ancient cities and empires, showing who lived where and explaining the unique features of each civilization.
The Ancient Worlds Atlas is a pictorial guide to past civilizations, covering big history topics for curious kids aged 9-12 years. What was it like to live in the crowded city of Rome? Why did the Egyptians build pyramids? When did Samurai warriors first ride into battle? How did sailors first navigate the Pacific Ocean? Which Chinese emperor has a palace with 1,000 bedrooms? Find out the answers to these fascinating questions and much more in this lavishly illustrated guide to past civilizations.
This fascinating children's book about ancient civilizations contains:
- A visual guide to where our forebears lived, putting their lifestyles into context of where they lived and at what time.
- An engaging, fact-packed, and educational book for children - especially those interested in history, ethnography, archaeology, and classics.
- A timeline at the end of the book which traces the major events, battles, people, and inventions covered in the guide.
- A stunning, retro illustration style combined with modern fonts that creates a fun and unique approach to this topic.
Russell Barnett's hand-drawn illustrations literally put the past on map, showing where and why the world's great cities grew and how archaeological evidence has provided clues to the past. With stunning illustrations throughout, this large format book makes an appealing gift for young historians that will take pride of place on any bookshelf.


Illustrated by Russell Barnett

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