Dmitri Dobrovolski

Teach Yourself Chess

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386304913
EAN 9781386304913
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Dmitri Dobrovolski
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Jesus gave people a wonderful game – chess! The game is very popular around the world because it helps a person to learn how to make informed decisions; a skill that is becoming increasingly valuable in our ever-expanding world!
During my 30 years of coaching, I have helped more than 800 boys and girls to learn how to make their first moves in chess. Among them was the world chess champion among people with disabilities Alexey Smirnov (FIDE ID 4168437).
The ways of learning the basics of chess, which are described in this book, have been repeatedly tested and have brought forth excellent results. The material is given in a simple and effective way, so that ''Teach Yourself Chess'' can be used by any person of any age who has the ability to read.
The only requirement for this tutorial is a chessboard with its pieces so that the reader can apply immediately all the theoretical information. This tutorial can be successfully used by parents who want to teach their children the basics of the game.
I am sure that this book will be useful for school teachers who decide to introduce their students to an exciting game.


Dmitri Dobrovolski was born in the Ukraine, in the city of Krivoy Rog. When he returned, after serving in the army in 1992, he visited the Assembly of Protestants for the first time. He did not like the meeting and no longer attended church. But he remained in discussion with one believer in Christ - a girl named Vera. This girl answered many of his questions. Then, in February 1993, he received a parcel from abroad with Bible in it. Up to September 2000, Dmitri read the Bible from beginning to end many times but did not attend church meetings. However, God found him. He came to believe in Jesus Christ and was baptized. Since 2004, Dmitri has served children in his local church. He has also supervised a children's chess club. But on 19th April 2012, Dmitri began to encounter God in a special way in a prayer room. Within a few days, he had received a clear calling to become a Christian writer.

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