Don Brewster

Don't Look Away

Saying Yes to the One. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 186 Seiten
ISBN 1666779288
EAN 9781666779288
Veröffentlicht Januar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Cascade Books

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The extent and depth of evil confronting us on a daily basis can be overwhelming, so overwhelming we can be tempted to look away from it. After all, with evil lurking around every corner, what difference can a single person make? In fighting the evil of child sex trafficking in Cambodia, and focusing on one life at a time, God has taken Don and Bridget Brewster's seemingly insignificant and unqualified efforts to transform a community known for trafficking all its girls, to one that loves and protects all children. As the Brewsters took the lonely first steps of faith, God brought along others to serve with them. Through the telling of their story, the hope is that you will be challenged and inspired not to look away, but to say yes to fighting evils that surround us. In addition, you will find principles from their successes and warnings from their failures that can be used to fight evil anywhere.


Don Brewster is the co-founder of Agape International Missions (AIM), along with his wife, Bridget. In 2005, they moved to Cambodia to fight child sex trafficking. Together, they have built a ministry that is holistically fighting and preventing sex trafficking through the rescue, healing, and empowerment of survivors. Under their leadership AIM has grown to become a leader in the international anti-trafficking community and has been highlighted by CNN, ABC Nightline, Christianity Today, TEDx, and The Washington Post.

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