Donna Michaels

Wyne and Song (Citizen Soldier Series, #3)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1540109062
EAN 9781540109064
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Donna Michaels
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

She's about to bring a little song to this single father's jaded heart...
Single father Ethan Wyne's trust in women stopped when his cheating wife died while he was deployed. Dating and relationships are in the past. His son is his life now and he's proud of the stable home he's created through hard work, determination, and support. But when a family celebration in NYC leads to a moment of weakness with a vivacious beauty, he's tempted to rethink his reasoning. Especially when she turns up in the Poconos. Can he take a chance again when more than his heart is at stake?
Phoebe Weston's temporary gig in a summer production in the Poconos is just what the Broadway star needs to keep busy while awaiting a Hollywood screen test. The magic of the show reawakens her passion for the basics, and her frequent encounters with the handsome, single father of one of her young friends awakens something more.
But Ethan's made it clear he's not looking for permanent, and for the first time in her life, Phoebe's not looking for temporary. Maybe what the jaded father's locked up, guarded heart needs is a little song.
Citizen Soldier Series
Book 1: Wyne and Dine
Book 2: Wyne and Chocolate
Book 3: Wyne and Song
Book 4: Wine and a New Year Cowboy (Harland County Crossover Novella)
Book 5: Whine and Rescue (Dallas Fire & Rescue KW Crossover Novella)
Book 6: Wine and Hot Shoes
Book 7: Wine and Scenery

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