Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child

Angel of Vengeance

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 153876573X
EAN 9781538765739
Veröffentlicht 13. August 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Grand Central Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
12,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Preston & Child continue their #1 bestselling series featuring FBI Special Agent Pendergast and Constance Greene, as they take a final stand against New York's deadliest serial killer: Pendergast's own ancestor…and Constance's greatest enemy.
A desperate bargain is broken…
Constance Greene confronts Manhattan's most dangerous serial killer, Enoch Leng, bartering for her sister's life - but she is betrayed and turned away empty-handed, incandescent with rage.
A clever trap is set…
Unknown to Leng, Pendergast's brother, Diogenes, appears unexpectedly, offering to help-for mysterious reasons of his own. Disguised as a cleric, Diogenes establishes himself in New York's notorious Five Points slum, manipulating events like a chess master, watching Leng's every move…and awaiting his own chance to strike.
A vengeful angel will not be deterred…
Meanwhile, as Pendergast focuses on saving the unstable Constance in her fanatical quest for vengeance, she strikes out on her own: to rescue her beloved siblings from a tragic fate and take savage retribution on Leng. But Leng is one step ahead and has a surprise for them all…


The thrillers of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child "stand head and shoulders above their rivals" (Publishers Weekly). Preston and Child's Relic and The Cabinet of Curiosities were chosen by readers in a National Public Radio poll as being among the one hundred greatest thrillers ever written, and Relic was made into a number-one box office hit movie. They are coauthors of the famed Pendergast series, and their recent novels include The Cabinet of Dr. Leng, Diablo Mesa, Bloodless, The Scorpion's Tail, and Crooked River. In addition to his novels, Preston is the author of the award-winning nonfiction book The Lost City of the Monkey God. Child is a Florida resident and former book editor who has published eight novels of his own, including such bestsellers as Chrysalis and Deep Storm.

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