E. B. Ratcliffe, Alexander B. Joy, Joe Labriola, Deborah Serra, Laura J. Campbell

After Dinner Conversation Magazine

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201974411
Veröffentlicht Juni 2021
Verlag/Hersteller After Dinner Conversation
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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"After Dinner Conversation" Magazine - September 2021
Evening Star: Two bullied school children decide to reveal their true selves to their classmates and suffer the consequences.
Conscience Cleaners: A genuinely repentant criminal appeals to the court to have his memory erased of the crime he committed.
The Room Above: A convicted criminal wakes to an erased memory and finds he is part of a strange government rehabilitation program.
Appreciating Hate: Police do a wellness check to a home and find a man who has been systematically working to remove art that glorifies the vile.
The Showing: A real estate agent tries to sell a haunted home and must come to terms with the homes past.
How The Cockroach Lost Its Voice (Children's Story): A talking cockroach takes his nephew to the top of the refrigerator to survey the world, and discuss the unhappy humans with three eyes.
Prohibition: A wealthy addict heads to a seedy part of town for his fix and gets more than he bargained for.
After Dinner Conversation believes humanity is improved by ethics and morals grounded in philosophical truth. Philosophical truth is discovered through intentional reflection and respectful debate. In order to facilitate that process, we have created a growing series of short stories, audio and video podcast discussions, across genres, as accessible examples of abstract ethical and philosophical ideas intended to draw out deeper discussions with friends and family.
★★★ If you enjoy this story, subscribe via our website to "After Dinner Conversation Magazine" and get this, and other, similar ethical and philosophical short stories delivered straight to your inbox every month. (Just search "After Dinner Conversation Magazine") ★★★

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