Earl Boysen, Nancy C. Muir

Nanotechnology For Dummies

ebook Ausgabe. 2. Auflage. E-Book. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 360 Seiten
ISBN 1118136888
EAN 9781118136881
Veröffentlicht Juli 2011
Verlag/Hersteller John Wiley & Sons

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The bestselling introductory guide on nanotechnology?now revised
and updated
The world of nanotechnology is ever changing and evolving; this
fun and friendly guide demystifies the topic for anyone interested
in how molecule-sized machines and processes affect our everyday
lives. The authors begin with explaining the background of
nanotechnology and then examine industries that are affected by
this technology. Aiming to educate and simultaneously dispel common
myths, the book explores the many nanotechnology-enabled consumer
products available on the market today, ranging from socks to face
lotion to jet skis to floor cleaners, to name a few.
* Serves as a fun and friendly introduction to the fascinating
topic of nanotechnology
* Discusses the various issues involving nanotechnology in the
areas of environment, medicine, defense, and others
* Provides real-world examples of everyday nanotechnology use
such as floor cleaners, flash memory drives, face lotion, computer
processors, and more
Written in the accessible, humorous For Dummies style,
Nanotechnology For Dummies, 2nd Edition provides an
easy-to-understand overview of nanotechnology and its real-world


Earl Boysen is the founder of UnderstandingNano.com and was
an engineer in the semiconductor industry for 20 years. He
coauthored the first edition of this book as well as The All-New
Electronics Self-Study Guide.
Nancy Boysen has written more than 60 books on
technology. She is senior editor for UnderstandingNano.com and runs

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