Edeline Wrigh

Fire Called (Ember & Ash, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224552191
Veröffentlicht 23. Juli 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Edeline Wrigh
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,49 inkl. MwSt.
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She's the ember that started the fire.
He's the ash that remains when all is dead.
When Emberly, a field biologist with a connection to the spirit world, returns to her hometown for her dream job, she thinks she's prepared to defend her home and confront her destiny. But she's not prepared for Ashton: the man she must marry to uphold the bargain she made for her life. And no amount of chastising from her ghost twin is going to change her mind.
Ashton, the handsome, reluctant heir to the mining empire that killed Emberly's grandfather, wants nothing to do with his family legacy. But when his father announces plans to resume mining operations, his only hope at protecting the mountain is to work with the woman he fell in love with at first sight-and who can't stand to look at him.
Forced into a fake relationship to keep the circumstances of their magically arranged marriage-and the supernatural salamanders-a secret, their annoyance with each other is only heightened by their mutual attraction. But there's only so long they can avoid fate.
Fire Called is the first in a new contemporary romantasy trilogy. If you like steamy romances, hearing ghost stories around the campfire, and finding magic in so-called 'mundane' places, this one's for you.

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