Edna Curry

Jam of all Jams

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1536507393
EAN 9781536507393
Veröffentlicht Juni 1986
Verlag/Hersteller Edna Curry
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The largest logjam in the world occured in 1886 on the St. Croix River at Taylors Falls, Minnesota. Reporters and sightseers arrived from all over the world. This event spawned the current tourist industry in the St. Croix Valley and also fueled the drive for the current two Interstate Parks there today. Pictures of this event are available at both the Minnesota and Wisconsin Historical Societies.


Edna Curry is married and lives in Minnesota and often sets her novels there among the lakes, evergreens and river valleys. She especially enjoys the Dalles area of the St. Croix Valley, gateway to the Wild River, which draws many tourists who give her story ideas. She writes mystery, romance and romantic suspense novels. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Edna.Curry.author Twitter: @Edna_Curry Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/edna-curry * Minnesota Romance novel series These novels are stand-alone novels that can be read in any order. Flight to Love Circle of Shadows Best Friends Secret Daddy Lost Memories Mirror Image Hard Hat Man My Sister's Keeper Never Love a Logger (historical romance) Double Trouble Traveling Bug I'll Always Find You Meet Me, Darling Wrong Memories My Twin's Wedding You're Only Mine * Lady Locksmith Mystery Series: The Lilliput Bar Mystery – Book 1 Body in the Antique Trunk Book 2 The Missing Banker Book 3 Girl Who Cried Wolf – Book 4 Robbery at the Lilliput Bar -a short story Lacey Summers' PI Mystery Series: Yesterday's Shadow -- Prequel Dead Man's Image –Book 1 Dead in Bed -- Book 2 Eccentric Lady Book 3 Girl in the Lake – Book 4 Related book: Earth in 2093 A futuristic romantic suspense novel *** Non-fiction: The Jam of all Jams The story of the world's largest logjam ever, that took place at Taylors Falls, Minnesota, in June, 1886.

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