Eleanor Meyers

Historical Romance: To Love A Lord of London A Duke's Game Regency Romance (Wardington Park, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393812511
EAN 9781393812517
Veröffentlicht Januar 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Eleanor Meyers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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What do a rakish lord, an embittered Marquess, and the most powerful Earl in London have in common?
They will all fall madly in love with three heiresses, finding that happily ever after does exist…
Amy Ott is about to encounter her first season.
Knowing nothing about the workings of corsets and country dances, she's looking for any help she can find... even when it comes from the most unlikely source…
London's infamous rogue-an older Duke. The Duke of Wardington.
This catches the attention from the most rakish Lord in all of London.
Lord Nathaniel Dawnton knows what he wants.
Amy Ott.
When Nathaniel's pursuits meet the walls of Amy's strength, the young lord is ready to jump those walls blindly... even at the expense of reaching something he has been avoiding- his innermost fear. True love.
But once Amy's dark secrets are out, will the fall have been worth it?
Miss Catherine Croftman is done with the Marquess of Clariant!
After the publically broken engagement of the century, she has her sights set on finding someone new...
Andrew Dawnton is the Marquess of Clariant, the future Duke of Wardington, and he is madly in love with Catherine…
He made her a promise of marriage in their youth, but Catherine's betrayal prevents the marquess from wanting anything to do with her afterward.
He's haunted by a past that includes death and outrage, and trusting Catherine again would be a fool's move.
Is Catherine truly ready to move on?
Will Andrew learn to forgive and keep his word?
The night that William, The Earl of Cartridge, was struck over the head changed him forever…
He's been knocked out by a beautiful thief and plans to seek justice for this crime.
Jane Croftman's family is wealthy beyond reason, but the land gentry's daughter is willing to do whatever it takes to protect those she loves... even if that means stealing from members of high society or knocking out an earl.
Anything for peace.
When William's revenge turns into hot kisses and help, Jane tries to refuse them both.
Will William find the key to Jane's freedom before it's too late?
Will Jane learn to trust William with her life and possibly even her heart?
The book is a full-length regency romance in the historical romance genre.


Eleanor Meyers is a hopeless romantic who believes that one should breathe and live on love. She is especially intrigued by the love tales of the Regency era due to the juxtaposition of tradition and love in a very stylistic fashion.

At a young age, she is inspired by the works of Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer. There is a strong romantic appeal about that era and it is Eleanor's desire that readers will take time to come away with her through her writings and immerse oneself in that time when love was so pure and intense.

In Eleanor's writings, there is a pragmatic display of human's imperfections; hence characters who may be flawed in certain ways. In the midst of dealing with one's imperfections, a couple found love, found hope in each other and in God.

Eleanor incorporated messages of redemption, forgiveness and sometimes inner deliverances from the bondages that so held a character for so long. It is her belief that no matter how seemingly hopeless one's situation might be, there will always be hope. They key is to wait and to believe and to hold on.

So come away with her and be enthralled in the beautiful Regency era!

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