Eliel Roshveder

The Hierarchy of Archangel Grimael (Prophecies and Kabbalah, #21)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224449491
Veröffentlicht Februar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Eliel Roshveder
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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I discovered this archangel in meditation, Grimael Schimorium, meditation reveals deep secrets to us and shows us that there are several angels that we don't know about, but they are part of our lives since birth. We are also able to better understand the role of the angels who are ministers of the Creator in our lives.
Many times we have an impulse to do something and we don't know that there is an angel leading us to do it, just as demons lead us to sin and distance from the Creator.
When everything is lost, that voice that speaks in our mind pointing out hope is an angel. They stay in the background so we don't know them.
They are the Creator's workers, so they don't insist on us getting to know them, as they are the secret gears that keep the cosmos running.
Everything that exists is made up of atoms that silently have their function in our body and their union creates life. Angels are like the atom, but in the spiritual world, they control everything and they are the basis of everything, but we do not see them, because they act like the atoms silently.
The Creator does not have a spirit separate from him, the Holy Spirit is the creative force of the father acting in us and using the angels in various actions.
Human beings are bad and instinctive, the survival instinct makes them rude and evil, but within us there is the Ruach, the breath, the life, the divine spirit and that is what makes us love people and help others.
How does this breath of life manifest itself? Through the angels who are creatures of breath.
There is no life without the action of angels; they are the secret gears that move life throughout the cosmos.
Likewise, everything that was negative, carnal or impure comes from the Shedim and the rebellious angels.
Human beings, as primitive and instinctive beings, do not have faith, because faith comes from something higher. In Hebrew faith is called Emuna, certainty. The word says that faith comes from listening to the Tanach or Bible, because this faith that feeds us comes from the Father's secret ministers in us, the angels.
They are the ones who feed our faith on a daily basis, which is why it is so important to learn about

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