Elizabeth Jane Howard

Marking Time

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen ab 18 Jahre. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 464 Seiten
ISBN 0330527088
EAN 9780330527088
Veröffentlicht Februar 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Pan Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Beautifully and poignantly told, Marking Time is the second novel in Elizabeth Jane Howard's bestselling family saga The Cazalet Chronicles, set during the onset of World War II.'Compelling, moving, unputdownable . . . Maybe my favourite books ever' - Marian Keyes, bestselling author of My Favourite MistakeHome Place, Sussex, 1939. As the shadows of the Second World War roll in, banishing the sun-drenched days of childish games and trips to the coast, a new generation of Cazalets takes up the family's story.Louise, who dreams of becoming a great actress, finds herself facing the harsh reality that her parents have their own lives with secrets, passions and yearnings. Clary, an aspiring writer, learns that her beloved father, Rupert, is now missing somewhere on the shores of France. And sensitive, imaginative Polly feels stuck, haunted by her nightmares about the war.'She helps us to do the necessary thing - open our eyes and our hearts' - Hilary Mantel, bestselling author of The Mirror and the LightMarking Time is the second volume of the extraordinary Cazalet Chronicles and a perfect addition to your collection. Marking Time is followed by Confusion, the third book in the series.


Elizabeth Jane Howard

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